
Qualitative Community Insights from SKOPOS EXPLORERS

There’s still more room for reusable 

Since the beginning of the year, reusable containers have been mandatory: coffee-to-go and take-away food must be offered in reusable containers. Together with the mystery researchers from SKOPOS NEXT, we investigated how well known the mandatory reusable containers are and how popular they are. The SKOPOS NEXT team sent out its testers. At the same time, we also asked our own SKOPOS qualitative community, the SKOPOS EXPLORERS. The result: many exciting insights from the exchange with a total of 120 participants. 

The majority of respondents has heard about the mandatory reusable packaging in the catering industry through the media. However, only a few have encountered it in everyday practice. Even if the topic is known, customers do not feel sufficiently informed about their rights regarding the reusable packaging obligation. Concrete advice on implementation and a proactive offer in the catering trade are called for. The respondents also make further suggestions on the subject: disposable packaging should be environmentally friendly, bringing your own packaging should be permitted, and the reusable system should be standardized. 

You want to learn even more? Then take a look at the results. Here you will find many exciting insights and quotes from the participants.

Do you also want to quickly and easily explore a smaller, urgent question for which thebig studyis not worthwhile? Or do you want to supplement a quantitative study with some qualitative quick insights? Then we have something for you: the SKOPOS EXPLORERS, our Qualitative Community.

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SKOPOS Explorers
SKOPOS Explorers

Qualitative Community Insights from the SKOPOS EXPLORERS

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Lukas Nosber

Lukas Nosber
Senior Sales & Account Manager