SKOPOS Kick Off 2023

The SKOPOS annual Kick-off 2023

A bird’s eye view 

Usually, we provide insights into interesting results from our own studies, methodological tips and tricks, new markets … Today it’s about ourselves and our great team. Our colleague Julian sneaks a peek into our brand, our work and our SKOPOS annual kick-off at the end of January.

Julian Pechmann

Julian Pechmann
Research Manager

If you ask us researchers what essentially makes up our profession, many of us will probably quickly come up with the multifaceted nature of it. We work for a wide variety of clients in all kinds of industries, conduct research using a wide variety of methods, and face new challenges every day. That’s why we have to really sink our teeth into project work – otherwise it wouldn’t work and would only be half as funny. 

Well, we wouldn’t be authentic, bright researchers if we didn’t discover the little rabbit’s foot even in this extremely positive aspect of our activity: The total commitment to the project work sometimes leads to “getting lost” in it. Larger and higher-ranking – but no less important – topics and issues are in danger of being lost in the process. This is a challenge that we have to meet. 

How do we approach this in tangible terms? We consciously make sure to create spaces for ourselves from time to time in which we dedicate ourselves to these non-project-related and strategic topics. Here we gather ideas and reflect – try to take a bird’s eye view. 

So to be more specific (and to stay with the metaphor of the bird): We recently got together as a flock and headed for a different nest than the one we normally feel at home in. In a loft with bottled soda, pizza and trendy living room lamps, we took off and looked down on the following five topics in the form of station work. 

  • Who are we as RESEARCH? How are we perceived? How would we like to be perceived? 
  • How can we increase theunit spirit“? In other words, how can we bring the two teams within RESEARCH even closer together? 
  • How do we perceive each other as employees? Who brings which strengths to the table? Who should we remember as a contact person for certain topics and questions? 
  • How can we optimize onboarding, i.e. the professional entry of new colleagues into our company? 
  • How can we optimize specific work processes? 

What remains is a pile of post-its with thoughts and suggestions. Some of the ideas can be implemented in a short term, others are of a more long-term nature and some may remain unfulfilled wishful thinking. All in all, a very decent output, for which we didn’t even have to make an effort: The lively setting, the fun exchange with dear colleagues and the freedom of not having to deliver a “finished result” at any price simply made it a relaxed and at the same time goal-oriented day. 

Ultimately, this is probably another aspect that we researchers will be quick to mention when asked about the reasons why we enjoy working at SKOPOS so much: The personal appreciation that is experienced on a daily basis. The involvement of all employees in such overarching and strategic issues is – once again – a testament to this culture.