Mit Rahmenverträgen die partnerschaftliche Zusammenarbeit stärken und Effizienzsteigerungen auf beiden Seiten erreichen.

Ignite the turbo boost for your market research activities 

Strengthen partnership-based collaboration and achieve efficiency gains on both sides with framework agreements

Do you know that situation? You still have to launch a market research project at short notice, because insights are urgently needed for a basis for decision-making. However, the corresponding meeting is already in a few weeks and if the agency does not receive the assignment by tomorrow, there is not enough time left. And the purchasing processes or the order volume do not allow for an immediate commissioning. 

We are witnessing these challenges more and more frequently with our customers. The period in which studies are to be carried out is becoming shorter and shorter. This is partly due to the fact that product development cycles are becoming increasingly shorter and the involvement of customers at an early stage of development is becoming more and more important. Thanks to online-based methods, studies tend to be faster and more cost-effective, making them interesting even for smaller decision-making bases. 

Simple administrative processes enable a quick start of your studies 

It is therefore important that we offer our customers the possibility of a quick start to their studies thanks to simple administrative processes. For this reason, framework agreements are becoming increasingly popular with customers with whom we work in partnership over the long term. The benefits are primarily efficiency gains like these: 

  1. The administrative purchasing process on the customer side and on our side occurs only once, which leads to time and cost savings. 
  2. The repetition of a set-up in several consecutive studies leads to routine processes and thus to synergy effects. 
  3. By defining the target groups in advance, we can establish the screening criteria to select the participant:s, coordinate with our recruitment partners and determine the approximate start time of the studies. This saves us valuable time in the set-up. 
  4. SKOPOS staff members are already familiar with the topic and the target group, can prepare themselves for the upcoming studies in the best possible way and can start immediately. When repeating studies, we can draw on existing knowledge, previous study results and learnings. The partnership is further strengthened with each study. 

High flexibility, customized agreements 

At the same time, the framework agreements offer a high degree of flexibility in implementation and are not rigidly linked to methods or target groups. They are developed individually and together with our customers at the beginning. Many of our customers have agreed on a budget framework with us based on calculated study designs, in which adjustments can also be made to the set-up if necessary. 

If you are interested in a long-term cooperation and would like to benefit from time and cost savings, feel free to contact us. We will then jointly determine how we can make the process of implementing market research studies faster and more efficient for you. 

Your contact:


Nicole Schleiffer
Senior Research Manager