SKOPOS ALUMNI reunion 2023

Welcome back to the SKOPOS family!

A day full of nostalgia, warm reunions and fond memories. We celebrated our first SKOPOS alumni reunion at the Euronova Campus in Hürth, which has been our home for more than 25 years. 

Around 40 former colleagues accepted our invitation and in some cases traveled long distances to spend this special evening with us – from Mainz, Offenburg and even Austria. And so we were joined by everyone from those who had recently worked for us to alumni who had been part of our team in the last millennium. A great mix of personalities who all have one thing in common: a past with and at SKOPOS

The evening was filled with lively conversations and memories of times gone by. In particular, the slideshow with pictures from the last few decades made us smile  reviving one or two memories and funny anecdotes. Of team outings, Christmas parties and summer parties, but also of just “normal everyday madness” at SKOPOS. It was also exciting to see where the alumni have ended up. We are still in constant business contact with some of them, either because they have switched to the client side or work for us as freelancers. Others are no longer working in market research, but have ended up in positions in education or HR, for example. 

We started the evening with a welcome drink, followed by a tour of our newly renovated offices. We have always played a special role here on the campus (formerly MMC Studios) as one of the few companies on this site that was not part of a film production. The campus was once the birthplace of German commercial television in Cologne/Hürth and home to many well-known series productions. Some former colleagues remembered shows such as “7 Tage, 7 Köpfe”, “Familienduell” or “Big Brother” with pleasure. 

Almost 20 years later, the site is hardly recognizable. TV studios have become spacious loft offices, while companies such as Croozer and Hitschler have set up business alongside various AI-related start-ups. And our offices have also changed. The familiar dark blue carpeting is now history. That was very much welcomed! 

We enjoyed the evening with delicious food, good music and a relaxed atmosphere. We were delighted with the candy bar that one of our former colleagues – now working in the confectionery industry – brought us. And that wasn’t the only sweet surprise of the evening. Two former colleagues brought us the following gift: 

SKOPOS Alumni Treffen

Translation: The sweet guide.
Dear Skopos team,
The time we spent with you 20 years ago was unforgettable! We can’t travel back in time, but we can look back on many beautiful moments and enjoy them, like these sweet threads. Looking forward we would like to present you with the perfect guide: Rock the dance floor of life! With this in mind, all the best
Stephan & Conny

This made the evening sweeter in the truest sense of the word. 

As the saying goes: “Great colleagues are hard to find, harder to leave and impossible to forget.” 

All in all, it was an unforgettable evening that leaves us with many memories and a warm feeling in our hearts. We are already looking forward to future gatherings.